The Seeker & The Search

faded stroke

As Judith Miller describes, this body of work “construct labyrinths in several dimensions, creating corridors which invite wandering, without a particular destination or purpose other than simply to be in the space, to be with it. The search for meaning which began in an ancient poem widens to include the traditions and art forms of several cultures. The Seeker and the Search are familiar archetypes.

This journey has starting points, intricate guidelines, pathways, shadows, open spaces. As light and the seasons change, the script shifts, the shadows dance, and the map becomes many-dimensioned. The text, the first map, has opened out, is now elusive, casting shadows, resonating into all those places of desire, where nothing—and everything—are to be found.”

 Installation at Kitchener City Hall by artist Soheila Esfahani


faded stroke