Portable Culture

faded stroke

“ … ornament is the ultimate mediator, paradoxically questioning the value of meanings by chaneling them into pleasure. Or is it possible to argue instead that by providing pleasure ornament also gives to the observer the right and the freedom to choose meaning?”

(Oleg Grabar, The Mediation of Ornament)

Made in Iran,
consisting of two sets of collections of small plaques, is made in the tradition of Persian Marquetry mostly by Esfahani’s aunt in Iran. The first series of plaques depicts a collection of glyph forms based on arabesque designs of the tips of lotus leaves used in illuminated manuscripts, while the second series is a collection of various motifs and texts gathered from a variety of cultural sources, including graffiti and William Morris wallpaper design. In creating Made in Iran, the notion of cross cultural transfer is foregrounded by initial collecting of the designs in Canada, by producing the pieces in Iran, and by exhibiting them in Canada as art objects in the context of an art gallery. Made in Iran potentially undermines the ‘origin’ of these objects through the back and forth transfers of materials, texts, and meanings.


faded stroke