Paintings Series (Sample)
“What is not to be found is my desire” series is a response to the verse: “I’m weary of beast and devil, a man is my desire.” They said, “It is not to be found, we too have searched.” He answered, “What is not to be found is my desire.”
In this body of work, further abstraction of the script and the exploration of the shapes and the negative spaces defined by the lines of the text emphasize her search for the unknown. These paintings construct a map; a map of her quest for “what cannot be found.”
“Mystic Path I”, Acrylic on Fabric, 1’x2′, 2007, private collection
“Mystic Path II”, Acrylic on Fabric, 1’x2′, 2007
“Mystic Path III”, cut out Fabric, 1’x2′, 2007
“Hidden: Map I”, Acrylic on fabric, 2’x 4’, 2007, private collection
“Hidden: Map III”, Acrylic on canvas, 2’x 4’, 2008, collection of Canada Council Art Bank
“Hidden: Map IV”, Acrylic on canvas, 2’x 4’, 2008
“Journey II”, Acrylic on canvas, 4’x4’, 2008, private collection
“Seeking II”, mixed media on canvas, 18”x 48”, 2008, private collection
“Seeking III”, Acrylic on fabric, 18”x 48”, 2008, private collection
“To dance so in the midst of the arena is my desire”, acrylic on canvas, 4’x4’, 2008
“Poetic Composition III”, Acrylic on Canvas, 2’x2’, 2003, private collection
“Poetic Composition #3”, mixed media on Canvas, 2’x2’, 2003, private collection
“Alchemist of My Soul I”, Acrylic on Canvas, 4’x 4.5', 2006, private collection
“Oh Lovers VI”, Acrylic on Canvas, 20”x20”, 2011